• Airport Road, Wadajir District
  • Sat - Thur: 8:00 - 16:00
  • 2022
  • info@sobs.gov.so

Establishing Robust Quality Infrastructure in Somalia

Somali Bureau of Standards (SoBS) is an independent national agency, established by the Somali Standards and Quality Control Act Lr27 and become operational in 2020.

The main objectives of Somali Bureau of Standards are:

  • Establish robust quality infrastructure for Somalia (standards, metrology, accreditation and conformity assessment)
  • Protect the safety of consumers from harmful and substandard products imported to Somalia.
  • Promote export through standards harmonization
  • Support standardization of local production.
  • Affiliating to the regional and international standard bodies and contribute to the efforts made in standard development.

The Somali government is concerned with the safety and operational efficiency of imported goods for the benefit of their population, property, animals and the environment.

The Somali government also wishes to encourage and facilitate the growth of their industry by providing access to foreign markets for their domestic industry which in turn increases employment, improves the balance of trade and benefits the national economy as a whole.

Quality Infrastructure System (QIS) is a catalyst for improving the quality of products and services on a national scale. It therefore helps to stimulate demand for these products and services, which invigorates individual businesses and the economy as a whole.

Somali Bureau of Standards


Our Mission

To Build strong Quality Infrastructure in fields of standardization, metrology, testing and conformity assessment in order to promote inter and intra trade.

Our Vision

To be a leading agent in Quality Infrastructure (standardization, metrology, testing and conformity assessment) provision, thereby facilitating the country’s sustainable development and rapid economic growth.
Call for Abstracts for National Quality Infrastructure Conference