• Airport Road, Wadajir District
  • Sat - Thur: 8:00 - 16:00
  • 2022
  • info@sobs.gov.so

What are Standards?

The Standard department is the backbone of all the work of Somali bureau of standard development and its existence plays an important role in approaches in its implementation of the various programs and activities of the organization.
standards cover a range of areas from
• food and agriculture products,
• Engineering
• Services and management,
• Chemical and consumer product
SoBS standards department exists to meet the standardization needs of the Somali population for consumer protection and fit-for-purpose goods and services that are essential.

The Standard Department is responsible for developing and implementing technical standards based on international best practices and local needs.

Key Activities:

The Standard Department has been actively engaged in the following activities:
1. Adoption and development of Standards:
The department has adopted 145 standards in various fields over the last three years. In addition, the department has developed two new technical standards in collaboration with local experts from various stakeholders.
2. Membership in International Standardization Bodies:
The department has become a member of several international standardization bodies, including the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the African Organization for Standardization (ARSO), the Standards and Metrology Institute for the Islamic Countries (SMIIC), and the Arab Industrial Development and Mining Organization (AIDSMO),Codex Alimentarius and affiliated to IEC. This has facilitated the exchange of technical know-how and the adoption of international standards.

3. Development of Technical Committees:
The department has established several technical committees in various fields, including food and agriculture, energy, construction, and health. These committees are composed of local and international experts and are responsible for developing and reviewing technical standards.
4. Trainings and Capacity Building:
The department has participated in international trainings organized by ARSO, SMIIC, and ISO that helped to enhance collaboration and networking between the department and other international standardization organizations. This led to the exchange of information, technical expertise, and best practices, which helped to improve the quality and safety of products and services in Somalia.
5. Participation in International Technical Committees and Meetings:
The department has actively participated in international technical committees and meetings, including those organized by SMIIC ISO and ARSO. This has enabled the department to contribute to the development of international standards and the harmonization of technical regulations.

Over the last three years, the Standard Department has achieved the following:
1. Development of technical committees in various fields and their effective functioning.
2. Adoption of 145 technical standards and the development of two new technical standards.
3. Membership in several international standardization bodies and active participation in their activities.
4. Conducting trainings and capacity building programs for relevant stakeholders.
5. Active participation in international technical committees and meetings.